Saturday, October 15, 2011

Apple's latest mobile releases should appeal to game makers

Goegle Lampoeng - Apple's latest mobile releases should appeal to game makers : I’ll happily admit it: I’m a fan of Apple products. Ever since I got my hands on the original iPhone, I’ve never strayed outside of the Apple zone for my smartphone needs. Previously, I was a Nokia man—I even owned an N-Gage for a while, more fool me—but Apple’s tech blew everything away, even limited as it was in the very beginning.

Now we have the iPhone 4S—which, yes, I am now in possession of—and iOS 5. A short while back, we had the iPad 2. Between these three things, gaming is about to get a very big shakeup—Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft would do well to keep a close eye on how things are about to unfold.Read More....

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