Goegle Lampoeng - new iphone 5 and iPhone 4GS release date october 2011 ; The most popular iPhone 5 related question has a fairly straightforward answer: look for it no later than October. If it’s coming 2011, it’ll be on the market by then so it’s worked its way into retail stores and the public consciousness long before the start of the holiday shopping season. And if it weren’t coming in 2011 due to delays, Apple would have pushed a revamped “iPhone 4S” to market by now to make up for it. So look for this this month or next.
The al
l new iphone 5 and iPhone 4GS release date is somewhere in September or October of 2011! The NEW iPhone 5 or as some call it iPhone 4S has reviewed well. Lots of speculation is going around on the new iPhone 5... in HD!! The iPhone 4GS will not be in HD but will be packed with new features. It will contain the
newest Apple operating system for iPhone, the iOS 5
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The most popular iPhone 5 related question has a fairly straightforward answer: look for it no later than October. If it’s coming 2011, coque iphone 4